
Passion -and a thirst for essence- to find a way to express outwardly in her work what is felt inside...
In the brief time l have known Elizabeth Ross, these are the qualities that reveal themselves most immediately to me, both in person and in her work, She is someone who takes living seriously, who wants to get the most of her time in this world -someone for whom art-making, most particularly with clay this far, but with increasingly broad parameters, is perhaps the most logical and rewarding way to pursue this passion.
Elizabeth has a direct, visceral relationship with clay, a great respect for its possibilities as a vehicle of expression. It is not only of earth, it is earth. This is of major importance for her because by its very character as a material, clay is naturally designed to receive the touch of the maker, record it throughout the process of creation and remember it when that process is complete. The maker's signature is there, visible in the form and surface of the material for all to see, in the presence of the work.

An Artist Journey
Ed Bamiling,

Ceramics Facilitator
Banff Centre for the Arts Canadá, 1999


2022 Notlallo, Museo Universitario de Arte Indígena Contemporáneo, Cuernavaca, Morelos

Maíz nuestro de cada día, un diálogo entre el ayer y el hoy en torno al maíz. Museo de Arte e Historia de Guanajuato. León, Gto.

Maíz nuestro de cada día, un diálogo entre el ayer y el hoy en torno al maíz. Museo del Pueblo de Guanajuato, Festival Internacional Cervantino
2019 Notlallo, Museo de Arte Popular, México City.
2010 Archive Bagnolais. Bagnols Sur C}eze, France
2009 Above and under the sea. Porcelain. A Coruña, Spain
2008 Ruptura, las últimas cerámicas. Calle B y Casa de Michoacán, San Miguel de A Allende, Guanajuato, MX
2006 Corazón abierto –qué cosa es el amor, Galería Bola Santa, Morelia, MX
2005 Reina de Corazones: conjuros de amor, Tres cañas, el taller. Morelia, Mich, MX
2004 Notlallo: by body, my earth, Indiana University Kokomo Gallery, US
2002 Notlallo: mi cuerpo, mi barro, Museo Regional Michoacano, Morelia, MX
Notlallo: by body, my earth, Instituto de México en San Antonio, Texas, US
Sésamo, Casa de la Cultura de Uruapan, Michoacán, MX
2001, retrospective, XIII Festival Internacional De Música de Morelia, Conservatorio de las Rosas, Morelia, MX
Sésamo, Colegio de Bachilleres, Morelia, MX
Blanco Desnudo, Galería La Bola Santa, Morelia,MX
Travesía, The Gallery, México D.F. MX
1999 Translated, The Other Gallery, Banff Centre for the Arts, Canadá.
En Manos de Diana/Notlallo, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Alfredo Zalce. Morelia, Mich, MX
Piedras de luna, The Gallery, México, D.F. MX
1998 Tres cañas: barro y maíz. Galería Quadro Arte, Morelia, Mich. MX
Ciudad de Paso, Consulado de México en El Paso, Texas. US
El camino de la Memoria (revisitado), Galería de Maestros Michoacanos, Casa de Cultura, Morelia, Mich. MX
1997 El Camino de la Memoria, ExColegio Jesuíta, Pátzcuaro, Mich. MX
Después de la lluvia, Galería Santa Sirenita, Morelia. Mich. MX
Escultura cerámica. Museo de las Culturas de Occidente. Colima, Colima MX , en el marco del Festival Alfonso Michel. MX
1993-96 Ciudad Profunda. a 136 piece touring collection.
Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez.
Universidad Autónoma de Hidalgo.
Instituto de Cultura de Campeche
Festival de Durango
Museo Nacional de Culturas Populares, México DF
Festival de Zacatecas
Tash, Valle de Bravo
Museo Regional de Mexicali
Museo de Arte de Sinaloa,
Museo Arqueológico de Mazatlán
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Alfredo Zalce, Morelia, Mich, MX
1991 Doble Primavera. Galería de Cerámica Contemporánea, Valle de Bravo, MX
1990 Mujer, una cosmogonía. Casa de Cultura de Valle de Bravo, MX